Project concept brief
Pata is a coffee shop in Hackney Wick that introduces colour-coded cups to reimagine the coffee shop experience. Pata aims to create a vibrant space where customers can connect, by utilising yellow cups for those open to conversation and pink cups for those seeking a more private experience. This case study outlines the development of the Pata concept.
Logo creation
'Patter' the sounds of continuous talk and the rhythmic drip of coffee. Bold and vibrant.
Coffee cups
Yellow for convos & pink for privacy.
4 poster spreads that catch the eyes with vibrancy and boldness. It is aimed at commuters arriving out of Shoreditch High Street station.
The Pata App
It is used for loyalty cards, keeping with the latest coffee blends and joining Pata chats 'Chatas' to chat with other customers in-house. Data collection will be utilised for promotions.

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